How to tell an engaging story with the help of CSS

Last week I challenged you guys to a challenge to use position sticky. Before I do my video featuring your submissions, here is my own! I had a few other ideas planned for this video, but a few people mentioned the how it could be really cool to tell stories, and I wanted to go in that direction with it. The design isn’t perfected, and it’s a little rough around the edges, but I wanted to explore some of the fun ways position sticky let’s us tell a more interesting story on the web. I had a ton of fun making this and I really hope that you enjoy it! --- Come and hangout, ask questions, suggest ideas, and meet some awesome people over in The Community: I have a newsletter! New to Sass, or want to step up your game with it? I’ve got a course just for you: --- My Code Editor: VS Code - How my browser refreshes when I save: ---
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