Line Follower Robot using Arduino🔥

In this video we are going to make simple Line follower robot using Arduino. The idea behind this robot is to detect black line using 2 IR sensors and move robot accordingly using L298N motor driver module. I have explained in details each step along with code. 👉Please subscribe: 👉Components list: ✅ Arduino Uno (Canada ) (India ) ✅ 2 IR Sensors (Canada ) (India ) ✅ 2WD car kit (It has DC gear motors with wheels) (Canada ) (India ) ✅ L298N motor driver (Canada ) (India ) ✅ Battery DC 7-12V (We will use lipo 2S battery) ✅ Jumper wires (Canada ) (India ) ✅ Glue gun ✅ Double sided ta
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