OpenStreetMaps on Garmin Edge 1030 // Free International Maps for Garmin Edge GPS

Garmin Edge units come with regional routable maps so travelling abroad to new and unfamiliar places can result in less functionality from your expensive head unit that supports ’turn by turn navigation’. Here’s the step-by-step howto for loading international maps on an Edge 1030 (Australian Edition) that I followed this week so we could navigate our way around Los Angles and beyond! Remember to click SUBSCRIBE to support this YouTube channel: Custom OSM Recipe: - Map source: - Select: Routable Bicycle (Openfietsmap Lite) - Select: Country/state (In this case it was United States / California) - Download: - Unzip and copy to GARMIN in the \GARMIN directory. - Start up the EDGE and ensure the map is enabled within the settings. These maps are the free OpenStreetMap alternative to the US$50 maps supplied by Garmin themselves. They’re also SUPER deta
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