At the recent Zouk Family retreat I had the pleasure of participating in a workshop that Paloma was teaching.
Paloma Alves was vulnerable and real as she shared about her life and journey over the last couple years. She shared about the pain and insecurities she has felt around dance. She shared about her recent realization that she must dance for herself, to let go of the thoughts and insecurities in her head, to drop into her own body, and to ENJOY her own expression so much more. The workshop was amazing! Paloma was passionate with her words and looked like an angel as she solo moved so freely in front of us.
I resonate with her story so much! I feel that in the past few months I have learned to drop into my own body so much farther than I ever thought possible. It’s so strange! I thought I was good at being in touch with my own body while dancing, but I didn’t know what I didn’t know and it’s hard for me to understand something physical or spiritual without experiencing it. It feels like I am in the process of exploring deeper layers of myself while dancing then I ever have before. I’ve been practicing letting go so much MORE, believing in myself so much DEEPER, accepting my partner for how they are so much more FULLY.
It feels incredible! It feels euphoric. I feel so lucky!... and I truly believe EVERYONE no matter what skill level could feel this because it feels more like a mental capacity than a physical ability. I’m excited to continue exploring these feelings for myself, AND I’m excited to start teaching my explorations with others through workshops and privates. I feel so grateful for people like Paloma who have gone before me to learn and are now willing to share.
I hope you are able to see some of the bliss on our faces that we were experiencing during this dance.
Thank you Kuna and Paloma for allowing me to join the beautiful dance you two were already having. ♥️
I hope to experience bliss with each of you on the dance floor soon. 🙏🏼
Much Love and Zouk
Tim Wegert
💃Paloma Alves
IG: alves_paloma
🕺Kuna Malik Hamad
IG: kunamalikhamad
🕺Tim Wegert
🎶 DJ unknow... but crushing it!
Organizer of Zouk family event:
IG: sashaeslemi
🎥 We Are Street Dancers
IG: wearestreetdancers
#zouk #brazilianzouk #zoukbrasileiro #dance #partnerdance #0ConflictZouk #humanconnection
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