The Stock Market Crash Nobody Thinks Possible Has Begun!

Things are looking gloomy on Wall Street. The stage is set for a ruthless stock market crash, but everyone keeps denying that this gigantic bubble even exists. However, the ideal setup for a crash happens exactly when people are thinking that a crash is impossible. Of course, the market needs a good number of unsuspecting fools to keep fueling the final rally and add to the gains of the wealthy while the minions are unexpectedly left empty-handed. Now, most investors are still believing that this time is different. Few are brave enough to come forward and warn that a massive crash is coming. The vast majority of warnings these days are carefully measured murmurings about an impending “correction,“ but those are just euphemisms to signal to the smart ones that it’s time to leave. That’s what financial expert, economic analysts, writer, and former investor Charlie Hugh Smith has described in a series of articles published this month.  The analyst argues that those who insist on denying the risks are making a de
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