MOST UNIQUE osu! MAP CURSORDANCE?! | Yooh - MariannE [Arcade Game]

*cursor is not available in game, it’s the result of coding magic title is satire btw mapset: #osu/2873429 skin: recorded with danser by wieku - 0:24 Etterna/StepMania/osu!mania (could be either one) 1:24 Cytoid/Cytus 1:49 Lanota 2:06 Muse Dash 2:26 Friday Night Funkin’ 2:48 CTB (Catch The Beat) 3:09 Project Rhombus 3:29 Taiko (specifically osu!taiko not taiko no tatsuujin) 3:49 Guitar Hero 4:09 Arcaea 4:29 Phigros 4:49 Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer
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