Einojuhani Rautavaara, Vigilia (Vespers & Matins)

Einojuhani Rautavaara (1928--), Vigilia (1971--1972/1996) (All-Night Vigil) Finnish Radio Chamber Choir Timo Nuoranne, conductor Vespers : 00:00:00 00:00:48 Psalm 103 00:03:09 1st Katisma 00:06:11 Psalm of Invocation 00:08:05 Sticheron of Invocation 00:11:59 Sticheron to the Mother of God 00:14:01 Evening Hymn 00:16:08 Ekteniya 00:17:25 Sticheron of the Litany 00:20:03 Ekteniya of the Litany 00:22:36 Sticheron 00:23:37 Troparion 00:26:12 Troparion of the Feast 00:28:21 Final Blessing Matins : 00:29:41 00:30:19 Troparion 00:32:01 Troparion 00:33:25 Hymn of Praise 00:34:00 Troparion of the Resurrection 00:38:17 Antiphon 00:40:33 Prokeimenon 00:41:52 Hymn of the Resurrection 00:44:54 Canon: 1st Irmos 00:45:48 3rd Irmos 00:46:31 4th Irmos 00:47:29 5th Irmos 00:49:20 6th Irmos 00:50:23 7th Irmos 00:51:11 8th Irmos 00:51:48 Katabasis: Hymn of Thanksgiving of the Mother of God 00:58:01 9th Irmos
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