A Haribo advert from Germany that promotes one of the famous Haribo gummy teddy bear snacks that known as “Haribo Goldbären“ (Goldbears) in 1980 that feautres a cloned versions of a current Haribo bear mascot appears in a car that either one of the bears wasn’t in the car, so the other bear decides to sent him to have a pool party... on a car during their holiday! this advert also promotes the new Haribo Goldbären packaging that uses the current Haribo bear mascot that replaces the cartoonish look of a red gold bear, this was commonly aired in West Germany, a standalone part of Germany alongsi
...de the East which became the whole country of Germany in 1990.
Found on , a website that normally focuses on French advertising that was originated in France, strange how they include one Haribo advert that wasn’t originally aired in France at all, as this one actually aired in Germany and was listed as 1981 as this advert originally aired in 1980.Show more