Imagine yourself; You just enter a server, pick up your favourite class, the round has begun, execute the best team strategies to reach your objective, your adrenaline level kicks in and preparing yourself for a killing spree on your little enemies. But WAIT! There is something missing. Let see, a good weapon? Check! A hat? Check! A Redbull with a bowl of potato chips? Check! Your team? OH NO! THEY ARE ALL NOT MOVING!! F***ING IDLERS! How do you going to reach your objective if your teammates are standing still and the enemies are guarding in front of your base with full force craving for your blood? Not to mention you can’t votekick your teammates. What are you going to do? Complete the round solo (you cannot win obviously)? Leave the server? Wait until the round ends and let your enemies slaughter you with full crits? Request a trade with the enemies (unless they’re F2P)? Or just simply goofing off?
P.S: This video is not actually intended to be my first saxxy award submission. I had other projects for the submissions which are probably better than this one but my suddenly laptop f***ed up after the update and forced me to restore my laptop. All my softwares were removed (including SFM and the projects). But thankfully I’d managed to complete this one just in time despites I have to make it all over again.
Music used:
Scheming Weasel (faster version) : Kevin McLeod ()
Pixel Peeker Polka (slower version) : Kevin McLeod ()
Custom models used:
Gabe Newell HWM -
Each models belong to their respective owner.
Other sounds, musics and models used are already pre-installed inside SFM.
Valve Policy -