11th Norway Blitz 2023 Round “3.2“ White “Firouzja, Alireza“ vs Black “Nakamura, Hikaru“ 1/2-1/2

In this game, Alireza Firouzja (White) faced Hikaru Nakamura (Black) in the third round of the 11th Norway Blitz 2023 tournament. The game ended in a draw. 1. e4 e5: The game starts with a Double King’s Pawn Opening. 2. Nf3 Nc6: Both players develop their knights to the center, following the standard opening moves. 3. Bb5 Nf6: This move signifies the Ruy Lopez Opening, also known as the Spanish Opening. Black chooses the Berlin Defense. 4. d3 Bc5: White plays a flexible move, developing the bishop to its natural square and reinforcing the e4 pawn. 5. c3 O-O: Black castles kingside, completing their initial development. 6. O-O d5: Black challenges the center by advancing the pawn, aiming to open up lines and gain more control. 7. Nbd2 dxe4: White captures the pawn, and Black recaptures with the knight. 8. dxe4 a5: White plays a4 to prevent Black’s b5 pawn push. Black counters with a5 to secure their pawn structure. 9. Qc2 Qe7: Both players
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