(A Biologist’s) St. Patrick’s Day Song

I’m resurrecting this nerdy drinking song from last year... As many of you perceptive viewers noticed there were a couple alcohol-induced scientific errors in my last version of this song (gold star, perceptive viewers!) -- so I thought this St. Patrick’s day would be a perfect time to correct them. Lyrics: In the year of our lord eighteen hundred and eleven On March the seventeenth day I will raise up a beer and I’ll raise up a cheer For Saccharomyces cerevisiae Here’s to brewers yeast, that humblest of all beasts Producing carbon gas reducing acetaldehyde But my friends that isn’t all -- it makes ethyl alcohol That is what the yeast excretes and that’s what we imbibe Anaerobic isolation Alcoholic fermentation NADH oxidation Give me a beer [CHORUS] My intestinal wall absorbs that ethanol And soon it passes through my blood-brain barrier There’s a girl in the next seat who I didn’t thi
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