Fernando - ABBA - Same-Language-Subtitling

Literacy Hack! The best way to improve reading literacy! Add Same-Language-Subtitling to all music video --especially media targeted at children! See & for more information. This video is intended for educational purposes to demonstrate the effectiveness of dynamic subtitling. Student Subtitling Project: Niko Feb 7, 2010 Same-Language-Subtitling! The unappreciated power of kinetic typography! The human brain is naturally wired to track text. Advertisers know that the inclusion of text (and especially kinetic text) increases audience engagement and recall by about 25%. Studies have shown a similar response across literacy and age levels. Media uses this tool to narrow and clarify it’s intended message and to increase engagement and consumerism. However, quality subtitling (synchronized to audio on phonetic level) can also majorly impact literacy levels. Mere exposure to Same-Language-Subtitling has been shown to i
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