How to Upgrade eBay Red Wrapped SimonK 30A ESC

You will need a USBASP AVR programmer. I purchased this one: Once you have the AVR programmer, you can connect the following pins to the ESC: VCC, Ground, RST, MOSI, MISO, SCK. You ESC must have 6 pads to solder wires to. If you do not. then it is very difficult to solder wires to the ATMEL ATMEGA CPU. You can verify the CPU and identify the pins here: 1. Remove the red shrinkwrap and hold the ESC with the large capacitor up and look at the ATMEL ATMEGA CPU. 2. There will be 3 pads to the upper left and three to the lower right. 3. Carefully solder 6 wires to these pads. This is tricky and you may ruin your ESC. Check your work and test the ESC to make sure it still works. 4. Identify the 3 pads on the top left from left to right: 1: VCC, 2: Ground, 3: RST or reset 5. Identify the 3 pads on the bottom right from left to right: 1. MOSI, 2: MISO, 3: SCK 6. Connect these wire
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