The LaRouche Solution for Afghanistan, not “Global Britain,” Will Restore East-West Relations

Speakers Harley Schlanger, Mike Robinson Now is the time to not only reflect upon the failed policy in Afghanistan, but to reverse it, by rejecting the coverup of the true origins of 9/11. Lyndon LaRouche had forecast 8 months before 9/11 that a “Reichstag fire,” perhaps a terrorist incident, would introduce crisis management as a substitute for Constitutional government worldwide. That happened, followed by decades of perpetual war. 9/11, and all that followed—Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, universal surveillance and drone warfare—stemmed from an adherence to the doomed, obsolete British doctrine of geopolitics. British agents Arnold Toynbee, Bernard Lewis and Bertrand Russell directly crafted what Henry Kissinger,Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel Huntington caused the United States to do, for an imperial geopolitics and against America’s own self-interest. The just-announced AUKUS (Australia, United Kingdom, United States) Indo-Pacific military and geostrategic scheme, directed against the unstoppable e
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