America Controlled By Corporations

Jim Morrison, a singer, songwriter, and poet, who served as the lead vocalist of the rock band, once said: “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.” He was right. Today, Americans think they have an unlimited variety of entertainment and media options right at their fingertips. But it is all a lie. #QuestionMore #RTAmerica #WatchingtheHawks #Corporations #CorporateMedia #MainstreamMedia #TyrelVentura #AmeshiaCross #BenSwann Get exclusive content and watch full episodes now by downloading the app: Telegram: Check out our other shows! NO show does it like this. It’s TIME TO DO NEWS AGAIN with Rick Sanchez News with Rick Sanchez: It’s her take on all things political and she presents ALL the angles: with Scottie Nell Hughes, NVH: What’s your NEWS IQ? Give us 30 minutes, and we’ll take you across the globe! In Question with Manila Chan, IQ:
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