(Ghost Supplement 2) FantasticPlanets ft. 初音ミク - “Side Effect“「ゴーストサプリ -副作用-」(English Sub)

Please watch part 1 first to avoid confusion: 「その報せが鼓膜で揺れた瞬間 私の中から音が消えた 少女たちの切ない想いを綴った音楽ストーリー」 “The moment I felt that news ring in my eardrums all sound vanished within me. This is a musical story spelling out girls’ broken hearted feelings.“ - Producer Comment I finally found an encoder for Mac called ffmpeg. It’s through the command line though. Enjoy the different font selection! Notes: 0:13 - Looking back on it, “Sometimes I find myself wanting to rebel ag
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