FOCUS! Last Roll for the Hangul - Game trailer

In this turn-based push-your-luck strategy game for 1-5 players you take the role of a Wildlife Photographer, visiting the Kashmir Valley in an attempt to photograph and publish photos of the critically endangered Hangul. Set in 1970, you are using colour film to take photos, and the game begins when you are down to your last 20 exposures. So, what will you do? Track down the elusive Hangul, or settle for other wildlife? What publishing deals will you manage to obtain—and what photos do they require? Push yourself too hard, and you may end up scaring the wildlife or worse — wasting precious film! Focus! Last Roll for the Hangul deploys multiple mechanism to recreate the thrilling challenge of wildlife photography: the unpredictability of the animals is reflected by dice, while the challenge of getting published is represented by cards that specify which animals to photograph for the publication. A modular board is used to speed up the process of updating the position of all the fast moving animals on the table.
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