A Beautiful Place To Bee

Nature is an amazing thing. All my life I have respected,loved and desired to learn about the life that surrounds us after we walk out the front door. I have tried to always connect with nature on its level and so often it has accepted me and my curiosities. Today I was in my own little dream place of heaven on earth. Surrounded by so much nature, that I was in sensory overload. At one point, I was walking around the house and a Grey Rat Snake nearly ran me over as it headed off to the field near by. It made for a great opening moment in the video I believe. Back to the bee removal video .... in this episode, I travel to North Alabama to remove a colony of bees from a home I’ve been to 5 times in the past few years to remove a hive of bees that showed up about a week earlier. Somewhere in that area there must be a huge colony close by that loves their house as much as the homeowners do. And every year the bees get smarter and try to hide better from Ol’ Yappy Beeman. I say c
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