#4 Full Sessions Rolfing Ten Series with Arthur Gillespie #4

Session 4: Inner legs and thighs, focus on the adductors group of muscles, bringing awareness to structures relating to the pelvis. If you’re interested in Rolfing®, use these videos to get a clear impression of what a Certified Rolfer™ actually does. Arthur Gillespie demonstrates the whole series of treatments that are called “The Ten Series“, a process to integrate the whole human structure with the field of gravity, using hands-on bodywork and client education. The goal is a permanent change towards graceful, effortless posture and movement. Clients who went through a Ten Series often describe that it changed their whole lives for the better, permanently, with results still improving without further treatments. The method and name go back to Dr. Ida Rolf, 1896-1979. Rights are owned by the Rolf Institute in Boulder, CO, which is the only institution that certifies Rolfers. For information about potential future (2020) Rolfing certification courses in Florida, taught by and certifie
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