Sam Winchester & Cordell Walker • Sick Boy • HBD @MysticSwan
“Now is all we got“
Watch in HD quality (720p or 1080p) and with headphones. It really makes a difference...
Happy birthday, Jordan! Sending lots of love to you!
#fanvidfeed #viddingisart #Walker #Supernatural #SPN #SamWinchester #CordellWalker
Feedback always appreciated! Please don’t dislike the video just because you don’t like the ship and/or the character(s)! Everybody is free to ship whoever they want with whoever they like. I respect you, your ship and your works so I expect the same from you - from a vidder to another.
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Character(s): Sam Winchester & Cordell Walker
Portrayed by: Jared Padalecki
Fandoms: Supernatural & Walker
Song: The Chainsmokers - Si