Miles Dimitri Baker - NAMM 2020 Demo (New Signature Model & New Music)

Miles’ full demo at the Seymour Duncan booth during NAMM 2020. He is using his new Schecter Guitars Signature Model SVSS loaded with Seymour Duncan Pegasus/Sentient pickups and performing new music. Track 1: 0:00 - 4:43 Track 2: 5:46 - 9:25 Track 3: 10:13 - 14:48 Track 4: 15:20 - 18:40 Track 5: 19:26 - 22:30 Big thanks to Garrett J Peters for filming this as well as @Prakapanda for having the second angle that had audio that was useable! Schecter Miles Dimitri Baker SVSS Signature model link: https://ww
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