手工制作蒸笼(Bamboo Steamer),做一餐念念不忘的广东早茶(Yum Cha)丨Dim Sum丨小喜XiaoXi丨Chinese Traditional Crafts

广东人吃早茶吃的不是茶,而是一种生活态度 准备三五点心,泡上一壶红茶,换的浮生半日闲 饮一杯热茶,再吃上一口热气氤氲的蒸点,最能慰藉身心的美食莫过于此了吧! In Guangdong Province, China, Yum Cha is not just drinking tea. It is mainly about eating Dim Sum. It’s also reflects a kind of life attitude. So i made the bamboo steamer. After that making some dim sum, a pot of black tea, it is very relaxing! ❤️欢迎订阅我的YouTube频道❤️Subscribe!🎁 Thanks For Watching, Like, Comment & Share!👍🌹🎉 🎥更多精彩影片😊 【木碗东坡肉丨Dongpo Pork】 【铜锅涮羊肉🥘Copper Hotpot Lamb】http
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