SUB) 처음 먹어본 계란요리 11가지 11 different egg dishes I’ve tried for the first time
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#haegreendal #Egg_Dishes #Egg_Recipe
When I was 19, after the cram school late at night,
There were always fried eggs on the table.
We didn’t really have any other snack.
I hated it back then,
But, now it’s remained as a warm memory. 🥰
I wonder what was going through my dad’s mind while preparing fried eggs everyday.
Thanks dad 💛
19살때, 밤늦게 학원을 마치고 오면,
항상 식탁위에 계란 프라이가 기다리고 있었어요.
마땅한 간식꺼리가 없었으니까요.
그땐 그게 싫었지만,
지금은 따뜻한 기억으로 남아 있습니다. 🥰
매일같이 계란프라이를 준비하던 아빠의 마음은 어땠을까요.