12 Yoga Poses for Prostate Problems | Prostate Exercise for Men
🌱 Experience relief from your prostate problems with my Prostate Revival Course ➡️
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This yoga will be useful for Prostate Enlargement Treatment as well as helpful for preventing prostate along with your physician’s advice. It will also be beneficial if you are facing urinary-related issues. This yoga guide aims to help men reach peak fitness levels.
Yoga is great for both men and women, but there are some yoga poses that are especially beneficial for men. So, guys, there are many yoga poses that can be especially beneficial for men, and here are the 11 best yoga poses that are excellent for men and for prostate problems.
If you enjoy this practice and would like to go deeper to heal and keep your prostate health happy then please welcome to join me in 12 Prostate Yoga Video Series 1 Bonus Video: sign up for the full course here:
Are you suffering from an Enlarged prostate? Difficult in peeing fully, and emptying your bladder completely? Or simply want your prostate health to be completely normal and healthy?
The “hidden secret” doctors don’t want you to know so they can make more money off of you. Have you ever wondered why your doctors almost ALWAYS prescribe you a random big-worded prescription bottle Or told you the only way to heal the prostate is by surgery/or medication?
But what if I told you that the prescriptions they prescribe you, are not necessary?
That the only prescription you need is your mind!
And that if you apply these 3 yoga crucial methods to your daily routine, then you’ll be able to heal fast and unlock your fullest potential.
Here is the first video: of this series and, is completely free for you to try and experience. Throughout the course, we use chairs, ropes, pillows, yoga blocks, etc to support your yoga practice, even if you are inflexible or in the age between 50s to 80s. If you enjoyed the above video and would like to unlock the full potential of getting healed completely with yoga then sign up here for the full course:
00:00 Introduction
00:18 Vajrasana The Iron Pose very powerful asana for Prostate
02:00 Butterfly Pose Most effective for men
03:25 Forward Bend for massing Lower Abdomen
06:48 Backbend very effective for prostate enlargement
07:26 Crocodile Pose best for prostate problems
Here is a step-by-step FREE 5 days prostate course:
🍁 Enlarged Prostate Healing Sequence 1 -
🍁 Enlarged Prostate Healing Sequence 2 -
🍁 Enlarged Prostate Healing Sequence 3 -
🍁 Enlarged Prostate Healing Sequence 4 -
🍁 Enlarged Prostate Healing Sequence 5 -
Yoga groups:
My YouTube Channels 😍
🇮🇳 हिंदी में योग - @YOGAWITHAMITHINDI
🇺🇸 Yoga in English - @yogawithamit
🇻🇳 Yoga Tiếng Việt - @YOGAWITHAMITVietnamese
Music Credit - Cold Blue Astron Downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library.
!!! Disclaimer Alert !!!
This video is not medical advice. Amit Namdev is a certified Yoga Instructor. However, he is not your therapist and can’t possibly know your exact problem or diagnose you through YouTube. So don’t use this video to avoid going to your own healthcare advisor or therapist.
This Video is only intended to show you the correct techniques for mental or physical exercise and should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment without undergoing your healthcare physician or therapist.
Please check with your doctor before trying these techniques and at any time you start to feel discomfort doing any of these exercises, stop immediately and consult with your healthcare professional.
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