“Overkill“ - Then and Now (Beat Saber 2024 Playthrough)

Hello everyone! It’s makeUmove, back after a long time. I’ve finally reached my 5th year playing Beat Saber! Last year, I took a break for mental health recovery. Now, feeling much better, I’m returning to YouTube to bring back some excitement to the Beat Saber community. This is my first Beat Saber playthrough video of 2024, celebrating the 5th anniversary of the makeUmove channel. I revisited my favorite map, ’Overkill’ by Nuketime, which I frequently played and featured on my channel in 2019 and 2020. After a long hiatus, I’m surprised how my body still remembers the moves... Though there was a long gap in uploading videos, I’m excited to return with more songs and fun content. Thank you for waiting, and see you in the next video! Stay healthy and happy! 🌟 Connect with our Community! 🌟 🔗 Discord: Join our community for chats, makeUmove emotes, stickers, video/stream
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