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“A Very Brady Special“ Kevin MacLeod ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“SCP-x5x (Outer Thoughts)“ Kevin MacLeod ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
I just love looking at their faces. See for yourself how concentratedly monk Sergius listens to the bells. He does not know how to sound a bell, he listens to the heart, and through it he tries to grasp the music of God.
How anxiously the oldest of the brethren, the monk Augustine, carries the Gospel. This is his main burden in life. He reads and sings prayers, and the rest of the time he commemorates the dead, until the 15th century! Whose names are known in the monastery, and whose only known to God.
Hegumen Macarius conducts the service with deep feeling. At the Liturgy, his voice often breaks down - from tears. And it’s hard to believe that he can barely stand on his feet. He raised two ancient monasteries from the ruins! Makaryevskaya hermitage is his third feat.
Priest Constantine is the only one of the brethren NOT a monk. He is a white priest. I saw him talking to the Mother of God, whispering something at the shrine with the relics of St. Macarius. He communicates with the world of Angels and Saints. He only hides it behind feigned foolishness and carelessness.
And there is no one else in the Makaryevskaya desert. Hence its name - deserts. A spare temple on the edge of a large swamp in the Leningrad region. There is no road here. You can get here only on an impromptu swamp vehicle.
But I love to look at their faces. They know a thing or two about this life. What is its meaning. And why do we need trials. Is God good, and where are his Cherubims, how much pain is needed and what is the joy. They know that everything will be fine. And it’s easy with them.
And I want to come here again and again. Where there is no electricity, there is very little heat, poor food, snakes, mosquitoes, animals and often dashing people.
But where do you feel God’s plan for you. You realize that he has a plan for you.
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