Axe FX II - High Gain Amp Showcase (13 amp models - Metal)

Showcasing the Axe FX II capabilities when it comes to high gain tones. 0:00 - “Intro“ 1:17 - Peavey 5150 2:24 - Diezel VH-4 3:31 - Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier 4:39 - FAS Modern 5:47 - Splawn Quickrod 6:54 - Bogner Uberschall 8:02 - “Interlude“ :) 8:26 - Marshall JCM 800 9:33 - ENGL Powerball 10:41 - EVH 5150 III 11:48 - Diezel Herbert 12:55 - Soldano SLO-100 14:03 - Mesa Boogie Mark IV 15:11 - Fryette Deliverance 60
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