Ensemble: Studio der frühen Musik
Album: Estampie - Istanpitta, Instrumentalmusik des Mittelalters
Video: Tacuinum Sanitatis, Giovannino de Grassi (XIVth cent.)
The fourteenth-century London Codex contains an important Italian collection of songs and dance pieces from the same period. It has nothing English besides the name, due to its location as in 1876 the manuscript was purchased by the British Museum. Its sheets are in parchment while the cover is in very thick leather; on the back, made of wood, there is engraved in gold the inscription: “Madrigali, Ballate e Mottetti posti in Musica” (Madrigals, Ballades and Motets set to Music).
On the first sheet stands the coat of arms of the Medici family, who bought it in the 15th century. 88 sheets in total plus a few pages dating back to the following centuries. Inside there are compositions by Francesco Landini, Jacopo from Bologna, Bartolino from Padua, Lorenzo from Florence, Niccolò fr
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