INSTABLAST! - Fs Boardslide to Fakie 18 Stair Rail! Lazerflip Triple set, Pop Shove 16!!!
Welcome to Instablast episode 32. Every Tuesday or somethin we’ll compile the best clips from Metro’s Instagram hashtag #metrogrammed. If you’d like your skating featured just tag your IG uploaded skate vids #metrogrammed follow us on Insta @metroskateboarding and well put you on blast every week!
This week features:
@jflodoesit - halfcab heelflip, fs nosegrind pop out, nollie bs smith , nollie flip
@jono_photo - fs feeb, nollie bs crooked grind, bs bluntslide, fs bluntslide, switch fs270 lipsl
1 year ago 00:02:38 1
Tony Willie - F’n RAW & UNCUT - Best Of Three Full Skate Parts!