What “Fascism is capitalism in decay“ means

This video is an explanation of the quote “Fascism is capitalism in decay“ which was allegedly said by Lenin but there is no source on this. I explain capitalism, fascism and the situation in which the quote was said and what it’s original meaning was. Twitter: Transcript (At least as much as YT allows me to put here) Fascism is capitalism in decay. You may have heard that quote already but what does it mean? And who said it? That seems like an easy question because the entire internet seems to be sure that it was the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin who said this but that’s not quite true. I spent more time than I should have trying to find a source for this but there doesn’t seem to be one. From this I conclude that it wasn’t Lenin who said it, but someone evidently did so we’ll go with it. I guess our first lesson today is: “Don’t claim Lenin said this”. Now that that’s out of the way let’s look at what it’s supposed to mean. For
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