Big Pharma EVISCERATED By Member Of European Parliament

Romanian Member of European Parliament Christian Terhes recently lit into Big Pharma, during a session challenging Moderna’s CEO Stéphane Bancel to answer basic questions about his vaccine’s effectiveness and side effects, and the general dearth of information made available to the public about Moderna’s COVID vaccine. Bancel’s responses were predictably evasive and cagey, and the moderator seemed more concerned about decorum and Terhes taking more than his allotted time to speak than with extracting any answers from Bancel. Jimmy and his panel of America’s comedian Kurt Metzger and The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle discuss the confrontation and the ongoing battle to release pertinent data about the COVID vaccines. Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter: The Jimmy Dore Show Website: Jackson Hinkle on Twitte
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