A Train clears snow along Lake Sevan - Поезд чистит снег вдоль озера Севан

A train clears snow along Lake Sevan as seen through the eyes of a VL-10 electric locomotive driver. Sevan is a lake in Armenia; the largest and one of the most beautiful lakes in the Caucasus. This miracle of nature, adjacent to the sky, is located in a huge thicket of mountains at an altitude of 1916 meters above sea level. Its water is clear and pure. The reservoir is surrounded by mountain ranges, including Sevan, Pambak, Vardenis and Geghama. This lake has gained its popularity due to its clean air, beautiful nature and a large number of attractions. The most famous of the historical monuments is the Sevanavank Monastery. The video was filmed from the cabin of the VL-10 electric locomotive. Поезд чистит снег вдоль озера Севан.Вид глазами машиниста Электровоза ВЛ-10. Севан — озеро в Армении; наибольшее и одно из красивейших озёр Кавказа. Это чудо природы, соседствующее с небом, расположено в громадной чаще гор на высоте 1916 метров над уровнем моря. Вода его прозрачна и чиста. Водоём окружён горным
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