Dordogne - Launch Trailer

A heartfelt reminiscence Dordogne is the brainchild of French visual artist Cédric Babouche. In today’s “A Colorful Palette of Emotions Trailer”, he shares his emotional connection to the game, an immersive adventure where you’ll explore the breath-taking landscapes of Dordogne, in the South of France. This region is as dear to Cédric Babouche as the hand-painted aesthetic of the game. All of its mesmerizing sceneries were made using the watercolor style and technique he has been honing for thirty years, since he was a child. Enjoy the second track of the unique music composed by Supernaive, these introspective sounds support the nostalgic and heart-warming journey to Dordogne. This exclusive single is part of Dordogne’s OST that will be released along with the launch of the game. Dordogne releases June 13 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation
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