International training-classific aikido seminar is held by Mr. Tsurudzo Miyamoto, Hombu Shihan, 7 dan Aikido Tokyo Mr. Tsurudzo Miyamoto. He was born on March 3, 1953, in Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu.
He began studying Aikido in 1971 with Morita Suganuma (Head of Seheydzyuku dojo). From 1975 to 1979 he was uchideshi in the Hombu Dojo under the guidance of Kisshomaru Ueshiba. Kazuo Chiba certainle influenced his technique. For the first time he visited Russia as a member of a delegation of Honbu Dojo (Head Norihiko Itihasas, 8 dan) in the frame of the 1 st All-Russian Aikido Festival in November 1993.
In July 1998 he held a seminar for the Moscow Association of Aikido clubs.
Since April 1999 he has been arranging annual seminars in Moscow at “Jikisinkay“ club. He is the owner of Aikido Shihan, 7 Dan Aikido World Center in Tokyo.I
Проводит г-н Тсурудзо Миямото, сихан Хомбу Додзё, 7 дан Айкидо г.Токио
Г-н Тсурудзо Миямото, Родился 3 марта 1953 г. в префектуре Фукуока острова Кюсю. Нача
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