Crush All Tyranny - Neomassacre (Full Album) [2022 Crust Punk]

Crush All Tyranny - crust punk from São Paulo/Brazil @crushalltyranny Tracklist: 00:00 Marcho Alpha 01:13 Romper 03:43 Empurrando Pedras 06:02 Manipulação Doentia 07:35 Parasita 09:18 Peste 09:50 Paranoia 12:23 Ácido 14:42 Vítimas 16:52 Amerikkka 19:27 Guerra É Inferno 21:14 Batismo de Sangue 23:44 Tiempos de Miseria (Los Crudos Cover) https:// Note: If you are a member of the band or a member of a label related to this release and you want the video to be removed please let me know by sending me a pm on facebook page or on my email adress. #grindwarchannel #grindwar
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