Kurt Elling sings Norwegian Wood live

Check out Kurt on Amazon: The New York Times is one of numerous publications to declare that Kurt Elling is the “standout male vocalist of our time,“ and The Gate, Elling’s follow-up to his Grammy-winning Dedicated to You, is among his strongest albums—and perhaps the finest of his career. Produced by Don Was (Rolling Stones, Bonnie Raitt, Bob Dylan), The Gate is a musical collection in which boundaries cease to exist, a sensibility enhanced by producer Don Was, who had expressed the desire to work with Elling—an opportunity which Elling found irresistible. “I first heard Kurt on the local jazz station and was knocked out by his exotic blend of soul, technique, intelligence and charismatic hipness,“ Was recalls. “He made this diverse collection of songs his own—and we had a blast.“ “What Don brought to this project,“ said Elling, “was his love of music and musicians, and a confidence that liberated us from all concern. He is the consummate producer and this was an extraordinary experience—my favorite in a studio.“
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