Insta360: Best of 2021

WHAT ๐Ÿ‘ A ๐Ÿ‘ YEAR ๐Ÿ‘ Seriously, you guys killed it in 2021 - letโ€™s keep sending it into 2022 ๐Ÿ’ฅ From shredding on the slopes to exploring far-flung corners of Earth or base jumping off of moving vehicles, Insta360 was with you every step of the way - WE EVEN WENT INTO ORBIT ๐Ÿช These are just some of our highlights of 2021โ€ฆ Happy New Year! ๐Ÿ˜ Thanks to all the creators: @thefishingoutlaws @riverbankstudios @amirzakeri @jakerichtravels @annalechah @asenseofhuber @neonkeon @cycost @obukhantsov @pirch0 @sebastian_schieren @jetsonaero @youdropfirst @o_leeps @oltjp @ambertorrealba @metvideo @evan_lala @luis_gerstner @amirzakeri @antygravity_ @scotty__fly @mikelboisset @underwater_images @pabsvisions @hooknsling @ @teamseitenstecher @cheriethesurfdog @flozebisch @themepark_explorers @manelcabot @bastien_balmet @beaverfleming @harritarvainen @andymess
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