In this video, you will learn how to open HEIF Image files in Windows 11 & Windows 10 using an extension provided by Microsoft for free.
For more information and a link to download the extension, check this blog post:
You can try HEIC to JPG Online Converter:
Play High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) videos in any video app on your Windows 10 device. These extensions are designed to take advantage of hardware capabilities on some newer devices— including those with an Intel 7th Generation Core processor and newer GPU to support 4K and Ultra HD content. For devices that don’t have hardw
...are support for HEVC videos, software support is provided, but the playback experience might vary based on the video resolution and PC performance. These extensions also let you encode HEVC content on devices that don’t have a hardware-based video encoder.
#windows11 #heic #VinDows