Stunningly restored footage of Cologne being captured by the U.S First Army, including the infamous tank battle at the city center.
The Battle of Cologne, part of Operation Lumberjack during World War II, took place from March 5 to 7, 1945, resulting in an American victory and the capture of Cologne, Germany. The city, heavily bombed by the Allies, was a strategic military target due to its industrial capabilities and extensive railway network. As American forces approached, they encountered fierce resistance, including a notable skirmish with a German Panther tank near the city center. Despite the destruction and the Wehrmacht’s efforts to defend, the battle concluded with the Allies securing Cologne and the Wehrmacht demolishing the Hohenzollern Bridge to prevent further advances1.
Shots include: Suburbs of Cologne, patrols mopping-up. M-4 A-6 tanks and other armored vehicles moving through streets. German civilians looking on. Grinning soldier with hand on breast of life-like mannequin. Patro
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