Russian Roulette Drinking Game

The latest craze in social drinking games, Russian Roulette is a ’spin’-off of the more dangerous and infamous , you know how it goes. To get you and your friends started playing the Russian Roulette drinking game, follow these instructions: You’ll Need: 1 Lazy Susan or similar spinning device 4-8 Solo Cups depending on how many are playing 1-4 Shot glasses depending on your level of craziness.. 1 deck of cards 1 ping pong ball The game starts with everyone sitting around the disk. In front of each person is a beer cup or shot glass (7 beer cups and 1 shot glass are arranged around the disk for a game with 8 players, or 5 and 1 for 6 players). Each person is then dealt a face down card, which is placed in front of them adjacent to the spinning disk. One person starts the game by spinning the disk. The disk must make one complete revolution (usually start with the shot glass in front of you). When the disk stops spinni
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