This No Equipment 20 Min FAT BURNING HIIT Workout Kicked My Ass!
New house, new killer fat burning HIIT workout just for you!
We moved to SoCal and have been getting settled in, and what better way to break in the new crib than a 20 minute HIIT workout that will work your entire body & core. We can’t wait for you to give this workout a go!
You won’t need any equipment for this HIIT workout, just grab your mat and some water, slam some pre-workout and creatine (or whatever you prefer) and let’s get to it.
This high intensity workout offers the ideal mix of lower body, upper body and core exercises to give you a complete full body workout in just 20 mins. Hang in there until the end for a 2 minute finisher followed by a 4 minute cool down and stretch session.
We’re excited to be back! Enjoy the workout, if you enjoyed this be sure to give it a thumbs up, and if you aren’t following us already be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE button and flip on notifications so you don’t miss our workouts. Let’s get to it!
Don’t forget to warm up before your workout
► 5 Min Warm Up
🚨 I don’t take many supplements but one that I swear by and have been taking for the past 8 months is Goldie Locks Hair Growth Supplements. Not only will these make your hair grow in thicker and stronger, but they are packed with tons of essential vitamins and minerals that help to balance mood and boost your energy, too. I’ll never recommend anything that I don’t personally use and love, and these are the best out there. Check them out at the link below.
💾 Check out our 6 Week Shred II Home Workout Program right here on YouTube. We’re giving you 42 unique workouts over 6 weeks to totally transform your body. Whether you goal is to lose body fat, enhance your endurance and stamina, build muscle, or all of the above.. this program will help you to reach your goals.
👉🏽 Playlist Link:
💾 Check out and save our 6 Week Shred I Playlist
⏱️ Duration: 22 Minutes Cool Down & Stretch
🏋️♂️ Equipment: No equipment, just a mat.
🦍 We recommend Yo Gorilla Mats Premium Large Exercise Mat, size: 7’ x 4’ x 8mm.
► Check it out at and use code TIFFXDAN for 10%
⏱️ Intervals: 40 Seconds work, 20 seconds rest
Exercises for this 20 minute full body fat burning HIIT workout:
0:20 Squat alt front kick
1:20 Reverse lunge 2x knee drive R
2:20 Reverse lunge 2x knee drive L
3:20 In out squat
4:20 Half burpees
5:20 Commandos
6:20 Plank jacks
7:20 Blast off push ups
8:20 Shoulder taps
9:20 Half burpees
10:20 Bicycles
11:20 Alt sprinters sit ups
12:20 Flutter kicks
13:20 Mountain climbers
14:20 Half burpees
15:20 Kneel to squat
16:20 Air squats
17:20 Swimmers
18:20 Tricep push ups
19:20 Half burpees
Finisher 30s ea
20:20 Leg switches
20:50 Diamond push ups
21:20 Switch lunges squat
21:50 Sumo squat pulse
22:40 Cool Down & Stretch
► Follow on Instagram
► 5 Minute Abs Workouts
► Hardcore HIIT Workouts
► 6 Week Shred I Home Workout Program
► 6 Week Shred II Home Workout Program
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Thanks for following along with our workouts! We are so grateful to have such an amazing YouTube community.
DISCLAIMER: TIFF x DAN strongly recommend that you consult your physician before starting any exercise or workout program. You should be in good physical mental condition able to participate in the exercises. You should be aware understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this workout, exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, agree to release and discharge TIFF x DAN from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of TIFF x DAN negligence.
4 weeks ago 00:05:07 1
Mr. Big - Colorado Bulldog / Drum Covered by YOYOKA