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Double Cast-On
aka Long-Tail Cast-On
aka Continental Cast-On
My favorite cast on method.
This creates a nice, stretchy edge that works well for stockinette stitch or for ribbing. Easy to knit from, easy to pick up stitches from, this is also the fastest cast-on I know, once you get the hang of it. It’s even faster than Single Cast-On when you take into account that this method creates an already knitted row. (By the way, purl the first row if working stockinette on straight needles, because of the already-knitted row this creates.) Recommended for beginners, or anyone.
...Calculate 1/2“ - 1“ of yarn per stitch for the “long tail“ that is required for this cast-on method. Let the tail dangle from the thumb of the left hand, so that it can untwist occasionally as you go (the thumb side gets twisted).