Low Angle Shot - Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) - Camera shot, Camera angle, Camera movement

Low Angle Shot - Camera shots, Camera angles, Camera movements Movie: Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Shot Time Duration: 35:10 to 35:50 Low Angle Shot Explanation A shot taken by setting the camera at any lower level than the eye level of the character, subject, pointing the angle of the camera slightly towards the upper side, i.e. shooting the character, subject through a low angle is called a low angle level shot. This shot is used when the character has to be shown very strong, heroic, dominant, superior. Best Low Angle Shot Examples The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) The Untouchables (1987) The Sixth Sense (1999) Kill Bill Vol 1 (2003) Taking Lives (2004) Moonrise Kingdom (2012) For more Camera Shots, Camera angles, Camera movements, visit this blog #lowangle #lowangleshot #lowangleshots #camerashot #camerashots #cameraangle #cameraangles #cameramovement #cameramovements #cinematography #moviecinematography #moviecamerashots #filmmaking #gujaratifilmmaking
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