Porsche Production cars of the 50 60 years of the twentieth century

Production Porsche cars of the 50-60 years of the twentieth century 1955 Porsche Carrera 1500 GS Speedster for sale Road Scholars “On the afternoon of Thursday, September 2, 1954, Ferry Porsche met with his chief engineer, Karl Rabe. There was a long list of pending projects and important developments that needed their attention. Ferry had a great talent for envisioning the kinds of cars that people would buy. For the first time, he discussed with Karl Rabe the possibility of installing the Typ 547 four-cam engine in the new 540 Speedster.  Only 10 days before, two 547 engines had proved to be reliable in the longest and hardest European rally, the Liege-Rome-Liege. This 1488cc four-cam engine beat 113 strong competitors, including 3000cc Ferraris, 3500cc Jaguars, 2500cc Lancias, and other fast and big-engined sport cars.” The vehicle in detail Remarkably, Porsche would only produce a total of 151 Carrera Speedsters from 1955 until 1959. The four-cam engine was an expensive option and the Carre
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