Basics of Urban Combat Survival and Assault Pack Setup

Survival / Recce / Assaulting, we’re going hard on these guys and Pt 1 of the Basics of Urban Combat Survival and Assault Pack Setup is the first of a very large series exploring this topic in conjunction with our becoming deadly in the mountains series. We hope you enjoys these topics as they start of basic. We won’t be able to teach you everything you need to know in this first video. It will take many. Stay tuned for more and keep the comment section spicy. 00:00 Urban Survival video begins :) 00:26 My qualifications to teach Urban Survival 01:00 Misconceptions of Urban Survival 01:49 Scenario for Urban Combat Survival 04:00 Your environment for Urban Survival will dictate your setup 04:30 Camouflage in Urban Survival? 06:00 Basics of Assault Packs for Urban Survival 07:25 most important piece of kit for Urban Survival, Situational Awareness 08:49 Stop, Look, Listen, Smell, in Urban Survival 11:42 Urban Survival Combat Assault Pack Setup 12:06 Urban Survival Assault Pack, HYDRATION 16:12 Urban Survival
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