Miracle in Milan - Full Movie (English Subs) by Film&Clips

Miracle in Milan - Full Movie (English Subs) by Film&Clips YouTube1:35:29 Director: Vittorio De Sica Writers: Cesare Zavattini Stars: Emma Gramatica, Francesco Golisano, Paolo Stoppa Italy - 1951 An open hearted and unrelentingly energetic orphan struggles to make the best out of his life on the streets of Milan. Prizes and awards In 1951, the film received the Palme d’Or , the main prize at the Cannes Film Festival , as well as the FIPRESCI Award from the same festival. Reception and criticism Soviet director Vsevolod Pudovkin , who participated in the jury of the 4th Cannes Film Festival in 1951 , wrote about the film’s reception [1] : In a true, realistic story about the miserable life of the Milanese poor, the film’s authors skillfully weave a romantic fairy tale about a white dove, which helps the heroes of the film in the fight against the police. The appearance of a white dove on the screen of the Cinema Palace caused a stir in the reactionary French press, which attacked Vittorio De Sica with accusations of promoting Picasso’s “ dove of peace . ” However, no amount of newspaper hype can hide the fact that the film “Miracle in Milan” was greeted at the festival by creative film workers with exceptional enthusiasm. An all-time classic that stands out even in De Sica’s films. He is known for realistic films, but in this film there is a wonderful mix of reality and fantasy. In the end, the slum dwellers go to heaven by flying on broomsticks, singing – All we need is a shack to live in, a little piece of land to die in, and a pair of shoes, some socks and bread to believe in tomorrow. What could be the greater displacement than being pushed from earth to the skies, just for asking for the bare minimum ? another, non existing now, world from an old era and an unknouwm to you country in 1951, just after the 2WW the neorealism italian wave, ASTONISHED, SHOCKED AND VERY MOVED, BECAUSE IN A NEOREALISTIC FILM OF 1951 IN POST 2WW ITALY, VITTORIO DE SICA, MIXES WITH ITS SARCASTIC WAY THE NATURAL WITH THE SUPERNATURAL AND METAPHYSICAL THE UNFORGATABLE LAST SCENE WITH ALL THESE MISERABLE PEOPLE, WHO ARE EXPLOITED AND MOCKED BY THE AUTHORITIES, FLYING ON BROOMS SINGING ON THE SKY AWAY FROM THEIR OPRESSORS AND THEIR MISFORTUNE .
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