Eagles - Hotel California solo. One handed guitar player

If you’d like to know a bit more about myself and my guitar playing, check out my interview for the Lefty Guitar Channel: Well this one took a while! Firstly, apologies about the slightly lower camera quality of this one. I was having troubles with my usual camera so I used my phone instead and only after recording and starting to put the videos together did I realise there were some blurring issues. This was such a fun one to learn and to play. I’ve loved this song since I was a kid and I honestly never thought a day would come where I’d be able to play this solo all the way through. Thanks for watching! I was born missing my left arm below the elbow and play my guitar with a prosthetic arm using an attachment that holds a guitar pick. Gear. Gibson Les Paul standard Boss Katana 50 MKII Garageband
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