SPARTAN WARRIORS - Heart Of Courage | Epic Powerful Orchestral Music | The Power Of Epic Music
This epic music mix is a masterpiece that will leave you in awe of the incredible talent and creativity behind these awe-inspiring compositions. Get ready to experience the power of music like never before!
Music provided by EMVN
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[00:00:00] - Unbreakable
[00:02:34] - Asura
[00:05:44] - For Honor
[00:08:17] - Fall of Dagon
[00:10:51] - Rise Above
[00:13:04] - Terminus
[00:15:53] -
[00:18:21] - Justice
[00:21:14] - Only the Brave
[00:24:18] - Beyond the Desolate Plains
[00:27:01] - You Win or You Die
[00:30:23] - Blood of My Blood
[00:32:58] - Sand King
[00:35:35] - Spartacus
[00:38:00] - Kingdom of Heaven
[00:40:31] - Conqueror
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