N. Korea could take lethal military action against S. Korea soon: NYT
美당국자들 “北, 매우 부정적 행보 지속 치명적 군사행동 가능성“
As North Korea is ramping up hostility toward South Korea
U.S. officials warn that Pyongyang could form of “lethal military action“ in the coming months, according to the New York Times.
However, experts largely see a full-scale war as being unlikely.
Choi Min-jung reports.
U.S. officials say North Korea could take some form of lethal military action against South Korea in the coming months.
Quoting White House Deputy National Security Adviser, Jonathan Finer, who spoke at an Asia Society forum on Thursday, the New York Times reported that the regime had quote, “chosen to continue going down a very negative path.”
Daniel Russel, a former senior official at the U.S. State Department,. also said, that preparations should be made for the possibility of shocking kinetic action, with the leader seemingly intent on a strike that goes beyond North Korea’s shelling of the South’s Yeonpyeong Island in 2010.
According to a report released by the conservative U.S. think tank the Heritage Foundation, the regime could make use of nuclear weapons “more easily“ during a crisis.
It said the regime’s increasing rate and diversity of missile launches shows that Pyongyang is making significant progress toward implementing a more capable and flexible nuclear strategy.
The warning comes after Pyongyang recently shifted to a policy of open hostility.
The North has been more aggressive with provocations this month, with the recent firing of cruise missiles in the West Sea, and the test launch of what it claimed to be a new solid-fuel, hypersonic intermediate-range missile.
It also fired hundreds of artillery shells off its western coast earlier in the month,.. prompting South Korean islanders to evacuate.
The North Korean leader also called for constitutional amendments, to officially label South Korea as its most hostile state.
However, despite Pyongyang’s hard-line approach, experts say there appear to be no concrete signs that North Korea is gearing up for a major war.
A U.S. official said North Korea’s alleged weapons delivery to Russia, which prevents the regime from stockpiling arms,. could be a sign that Kim is not planning for a major military operation.
Choi Min-jung, Arirang News.
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2024-01-26, 12:00 (KST)
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