Trump wins key New Hampshire primary while Haley vows to continue the fight

美뉴햄프셔 공화 경선, 트럼프 승리 2연승으로 대세론 확인 Today must have been one of palm-sweating but, ultimately, a happy one for Donald Trump as he won the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary. It’s a significant victory as he’s now in a commanding position to eventually become the party’s presidential candidate in November’s election. Despite her loss, Nikki Haley has vowed to carry on, saying “This race is far from over.“ Meanwhile, incumbent President Joe Biden won the Democratic primary in the same region though he was not on the printed ballot. For more details, we invited Chris Casquejo, a correspondent at Voice of America, who is covering the news on the ground in New Hampshire. Welcome to the show, Chris. Q1. The election in New Hampshire was the second in a series of state-by-state contests but the first primary. What significance does Trump’s win here have? Q2. Even after a second straight defeat against Trump, the former governor of South Carolina Nikki Haley has vowed to continue the fight. Could you tell us how team Haley is viewing the race so far? Q3. There is little doubt now about Trump’s hold on the Republican nomination, but as he looks ahead to the November election, he will have to confront legal difficulties as he faces 91 felony charges, with at least one criminal trial expected this year. Could you give us the latest on Trump’s legal issues, and how that situation is expected to unfold? Q4. On the same day, primary elections for Democrats also took place, but incumbent Biden did not feature in the race with no official delegates on the line. But still he won the primary in New Hampshire right, What did the result suggest? Q5. Lastly, I would like to look at what key events for the 2024 U.S. Presidential election remain. March 5th is a Super Tuesday, which is going to be a dealbreaker for presidential candidate campaigns. Could you elaborate more on this? These are all the questions I have for you, Chris. Thank you for your time. Although we still have to wait and see how the rest of the key events unfold The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election is largely expected to be Trump versus incumbent Biden. And all eyes are on whether Trump will return to the White House, and the possible impact if he wins. To discuss this, we invite Professor Chung Ku-youn from Kangwon National University. Welcome to the show Professor Chung. Q1. The last time Trump was behind the resolute desk, he was the man behind U.S. protectionism. Now as a Trump return appears more likely, all eyes are on the impact his return would have on the global economy and businesses as he proposes universal tariffs on all goods imported into the U.S. Could you tell us how it is expected to be? Q2. Regarding ties between the U.S. and North Korea, Trump has boasted about his close relationship with the regime’s leader Kim Jong-un. If he returns, what diplomatic policy is he expected to take regarding North Korea? And will Pyongyang come to the table to talk if Trump returns? Q3. Let’s also take a look at how Korea ties might be. During Trump’s time in office, he labeled Seoul as a “free security rider” and urged the South to sharply increase its share of defense costs. Might he feel the same way if he returns? Q4. The Japanese government has reportedly reached out to Trump’s team after concluding that he has a good chance of being re-elected. Why such a pre-emptive move? And furthermore, what would Trump’s return mean to the trilateral alliance between Seoul, Washington and Tokyo? Q5. Meanwhile regarding Washington’s ties with Beijing many experts forecast no significant change in the relationship regardless of who becomes the U.S. President, saying the U.S. would continue with its ’“de-risking“ policy against China. Is this so? Unfortunately, that’s all the time we have for today’s edition. Thank you Professor Chung for your insights. We appreciate it. #UnitedStates #New_Hampshire #Presidential_election #Primary #DonaldTrump #미국 #뉴햄프셔 #도널드트럼프 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2024-01-24, 18:30 (KST)
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